National Public Health Week 2023

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National Public Health Week at Mason

The only College of Public Health in Virginia 

Mason’s College of Public Health is proud to celebrate National Public Health Week, led by the American Public Health Association (APHA). 2023 is Mason’s first National Public Health Week as a College of Public Health.  

Thank you for joining us for 2023 National Public Health Week Events! Watch the Recordings:

Watch the Conversations and Connections: Violence Prevention panel discussion recording.

Moderated by Melissa Perry, ScD, MS, Dean of the College of Public Health 


  • Denise Hines, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, George Mason University

  • Woodie Kessel, MD, MPH, Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS, (Ret), Senior Scholar, Koop Institute, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, Professor of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, Professor of the Practice, School of Public Health, University of Maryland

  • LaQuandra Nesbitt, MD, Executive Director, George Washington University SMHS Center for Population Health Sciences and Health Equity; Senior Associate Dean for Population Health and Health Equity; Professor of Medicine 

  • Joseph Richardson, PhD, Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology, Department of African American Studies, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, University of Maryland   

  • Daniel RothbartPhDProfessor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University

We look forward to future discussions.

Watch the CPH Faculty Roundtable on Violence Prevention Research recording.

This expert panel of Mason faculty discusses the impact of violence on individuals, families, and communities, emphasizing the importance of viewing violence as a public health issue rather than simply a criminal justice problem. The panel highlights their research and the need for a comprehensive approach that involves prevention, intervention, and treatment. 


Watch the Public Health and Nursing Alumni Panel recording.


Many public health students are interested in the nursing field, and many student nurses consider the impacts of public health as they develop skills in clinical care. Furthermore, there is a specialized field of public health nursing. Mason alumni with degrees in both public health and nursing discuss how their training impacts the work they do now–from a patient’s bedside to community health education and beyond. 

Moderator: Susan Durham, PhD, MPH 


  • Stephanie Funkhouser, MPH, BSN, RN 
  • Shineca Solomon, MPH, BSN, RN 
  • Kim McNally, BSW, MSN, RN 


Join Mason’s NPHW Events

Pre-NPHW Event: Thursday, March 30

Caring for your Well-Being Through Reflective Writing 
3-4:15 pm | Open to Mason community

Population Health Center, Multipurpose Room 

This interactive workshop explores well-being through writing to help you process events. Reflective writing dives into the meaning of personal experience. Riva Kama, MD, and Leslie Wilcox, PHD-ABD, ED.D-C., C-THMP will lead the workshop, hosted by the Mason Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program. Email Leslie Wilcox at for more information and to RSVP. 

Monday, April 3

Public Health in Practice CPH Faculty and Staff Walk 
Monday, April 3

10 am | Faculty and Staff Only 
Meet in Peterson Hall Lobby


Public Health and Nursing Alumni Panel 
Monday, April 3

6 pm | Open to all 
Webinar on Zoom

Many public health students are interested in the nursing field, and many student nurses consider the impacts of public health as they develop skills in clinical care. Furthermore, there is a specialized field of public health nursing. Mason alumni with degrees in both public health and nursing will discuss how their training impacts the work they do now–from a patient’s bedside to community health education and beyond. 

Moderator: Susan Durham, PhD, MPH 


  • Stephanie Funkhouser, MPH, BSN, RN 
  • Shineca Solomon, MPH, BSN, RN 
  • Kim McNally, BSW, MSN, RN 

Tuesday, April 4 

Mason Doctoral Public Health Graduate Student Association Gives Back
Tuesday, April 4
9:15 am | SPHGSA students only

Mason Doctoral Public Health Graduate Student Association (DPHGSA) will partner with Arlington County Department of Human Services to assemble at home medical deactivation kits for members of our community. These will be distributed in conjunction with the county's Meals on Wheels Program.


Public Health in Practice CPH Faculty and Staff Walk 
Tuesday, April 4
12 pm | Faculty and Staff Only 

Meet in Peterson Hall Lobby 


CPH Faculty Roundtable on Violence Prevention Research 
Tuesday, April 4
3 pm | Open to all 

Webinar on Zoom

This expert panel of Mason faculty will discuss the impact of violence on individuals, families, and communities, emphasizing the importance of viewing violence as a public health issue rather than simply a criminal justice problem. The panel will highlight their research and the need for a comprehensive approach that involves prevention, intervention, and treatment. 


Moderator: Samantha Kanselaar, PhD in Public Health Student

Wednesday, April 5 

Condom Toss Relay 
Wednesday, April 5
12 pm | Open to all 

Wilkins Plaza 

Join the College of Public Health, Student Health Services, and Mason Pride as we celebrate National Public Health Week. Play games, enjoy food/drinks, and learn about sexual and reproductive health. 

Participate in the condom toss relay, where participants will attempt to toss condoms into one of three large containers. Participants will win a prize based on how close they land to the target: the farther you toss, the bigger the prize! Every participant wins a prize. 

To help encourage safe sexual health habits, all participants will receive a small kit containing condoms, lubricant, and sexual health resource information.  

For more information on this event, please contact Dr. Rod Turpin


Conversations and Connections

Conversations and Connections - Violence Prevention  
Wednesday, April 5
6-8 pm | Open to all  
Merten Hall 1201 & Streaming on GMU TV 
RSVP here 

Preventing violence in all its forms remains a national public health priority. Though overall rates of violent crimes fell below pandemic levels in 2021, some forms of violence have increased dramatically. The panel will explore current data on violent crimes, address common misconceptions, and examine efforts to prevent violence. 

Moderated by Melissa Perry, ScD, MS, Dean of the College of Public Health 


  • Denise Hines, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, George Mason University

  • Woodie Kessel, MD, MPH, Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS, (Ret), Senior Scholar, Koop Institute, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, Professor of Pediatrics, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, Professor of the Practice, School of Public Health, University of Maryland

  • LaQuandra Nesbitt, MD, Executive Director, George Washington University SMHS Center for Population Health Sciences and Health Equity; Senior Associate Dean for Population Health and Health Equity; Professor of Medicine 

  • Joseph Richardson, PhD, Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology, Department of African American Studies, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, University of Maryland   

  • Daniel RothbartPhDProfessor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University

Thursday, April 6 


Below the Belt Movie Screening
Below the Belt Screnning










"Below the Belt" Movie Screening
Thursday, April 6, 2023

12-2 pm | Merten Hall 1202

The College of Public Health and the Doctoral Public Health Graduate Student Association are extending an invitation to the George Mason University community for an exclusive one-hour screening of “Below the Belt,” a documentary film chronicling the lives of four women living with endometriosis. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on various topics related to endometriosis. Additionally, a menstrual product drive will be hosted in collaboration with The Patriot Period Project to address period poverty. The event is listed on Mason360, and RSVP is not mandatory but appreciated. Please reach out to Joanna Marroquin if you have any inquiries.


Public Health in Practice CPH Faculty and Staff Walk 
Thursday, April 6
2 pm | Faculty and Staff Only 

Meet in Peterson Hall Lobby